Wright-Patterson AFB

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2130 Sycamore Street
Building 1250
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
United States

Get in Touch

(937) 257-7228
Get Directions

Store Hours

Commissary Hours of Operation (937) 257-2060, x-2999
0900 - 1700
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0900 - 1930
Commissary CLICK2GO (937) 257-2060, x-3425
1100 - 1600
1000 - 1830
1000 - 1830
1000 - 1830
1000 - 1830
1000 - 1830
1100 - 1830
Deli/Bakery Hours (937) 257-2060, x-3027
0900 - 1700
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0800 - 1930
0900 - 1930

Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Sophia Hudgins

Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director

John E. Hall

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Sophia Hudgins

Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director

Store Information & Holiday Hours

Special Hours

Physically disabled customers may enter the commissary to shop up to one half hour before regularly scheduled opening time.


Wright-Patterson Commissary Holiday Hours

* We are open on all federal holidays with the exception of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years.  The Commissary closes early on Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve each year.  The hours of operation for all other federal holidays are 0900 - 1700.  


Wright-Patterson AFB Family Days

* We are not impacted by WPAFB Family Days and have normal operating hours.



Items on Sale

Mobile app gives patrons fast access to Commissary CLICK2GO and more

Customers can now download a mobile app to access the DeCA’s website programs such as Commissary CLICK2GO online payment and curbside pickup, digital coupons, the sales flyer, dietitian-approved recipes and much more.  Available free for download via the Google Play and Apple app stores for Android and Apple devices respectively, the mobile app gives commissary shoppers access to a variety of DeCA’s online functions on their smart phones and tablets.  Read the entire news release online.


The Department of Defense’s “Taking Care of Service Members and Families” initiative, (TCOP), lowers prices throughout the commissary due to the Department of Defense’s investment in our budget to support military families.  Our goal is to have our customers save $25 for every $100 they spend at the commissary.  Together, we can deliver the benefit our customers have earned and deserve.  We’ll see you at the commissary!

EVEN MORE SAVINGS AT YOUR COMMISSARIES! DOD invests extra funding in benefit to help reduce prices and help strengthen economic security of military families | Commissaries


Your Everyday Savings (YES!)

We are lowering prices on many of our most frequently purchased items.  Our goal is to improve everyday savings and value on the products most important to you, our patrons.  YES! Items can be identified by an orange YES! label beneath the price for that item.  Click here to learn more about the YES! Program.


Produce Department Information (937-257-2060 x-3008)

Don’t forget to shop our produce department to pick up much-needed items for your weekly feast.  We offer a wide variety of fruit for your freshly backed pies.  Our produce staff are more than happy to assist you with any item that you are looking for and don't forget, we also do fruit & veggie tray special orders.  Please allow 24 hours for special order preparation.


Grocery Department Information (937-257-2060 x-3009 or x-3209)

Many sale items are located in a mass display near the front of your commissary.  We also offer the option of placing a special order if you require a large number of specific items.  Special order forms are located at the customer service window.  We look forward to seeing you & hope that you have a wonderful Spring with family and friends.


Meat Department Information (937-257-2060 x-3007 or x-3107)

Did you know that your Meat Department sells whole primal and sub-primal at cost?  These can be purchased and sliced to your specifications at no additional cost to you!  Buy in BULK and SAVE!!!  See a Meat Department employee for your special order today.  

Don't forget to pick up a meat power box at a savings of 20% or more. These are great for gatherings, events, as well as everyday meals.  The Meat Department can make these boxes for special orders too.  For those that are more health conscience or vegetarian, we also offer plant-based items in our Meat Department.

Your Meat Department has over 150 years of meat cutting and culinary experience collectively.  We are here for you and to answer any questions you may have.

For more information and ordering email Michael.Amonette@deca.mil

  • Beef Primal Cuts
  • Chuck:  This cut is found on the cow’s shoulder area and is considered to be among the most flavorful and can be cut in a variety of ways, giving customers numerous options to choose from.
  • Brisket:  This cut is obtained from the breast of the cow under the first five ribs.  The flat or lean is noted for containing less fat and when prepared properly it is one of the most flavorful cuts of meat.  Brisket needs a lot of time at a lower temperature to tenderize.
  • Shank:  Right in front of the brisket, comes the shank cut. This cut requires a lot of preparation to tenderize it and is mainly used in the preparation of soups and stews. Shank cuts are usually cooked for extended periods allowing the meat to tenderize as much as possible.
  • Rib:  This cut is obtained from the last 6 to 12 of the 13 pairs of ribs on a cow and are known for their tender, flavorful nature. The high amount of marbling in these cuts is one of the main reasons behind their rich flavor. 
  • Short Plate:  The short plate is found in the abdomen area of the cow, below the rib primal.  Plate cuts tend to have a tight grain structure and are fattier than rib cuts.  For this reason, they offer a great quality-price ratio.
  • Short Loin / Sirloin / Tenderloin / Top Sirloin / Bottom Sirloin:  The loin is located just behind the ribs, at the top part of the cow.  It is the most tender and usually divided into two main parts, the sirloin and the short-loin.  The meat tends to be quite tender.  While the sirloin is slightly tougher than the short-loin, it is considered to be the more flavorful of the two.
  • Round: At the hind legs and rump of the cow you have the round cut.  While this primal cut of beef tends to be lean, it is also tougher.  The round cut is among the most inexpensive beef cuts you can find in a grocery store.


  • Pork Primal Cuts
  • Shoulder Butt / Picnic Shoulder:  Cuts from the upper portion of the shoulder are well marbled with fat, making them ideal candidates for slow-cooking methods like braising, stewing, or barbecuing.  Cuts from the arm, or picnic shoulder, are a bit more economical than those from the blade area but are otherwise quite similar.
  • Loin:  The area between the shoulder and back legs is the leanest, most tender part of the animal.  Rib and loin chops are cut from this area, as are pork loin roasts and tenderloin roasts.  These cuts will be dry if overcooked.
  • Spare Ribs / Belly: This is where most bacon originates and is typically broken down into the pork side and pork spare ribs.  It's common to pan-fry bacon and pork belly while going the traditional low-and-slow route with smoked ribs.
  • Ham: This is a straightforward primal cut of pork that includes the back leg up to the hip and the main product is ham of all kinds — country-style, spiral sliced bone-in, etc. — which is cured and then smoked to complement the pork’s natural flavor.  This area also produces pork leg steaks, whole pork leg shanks, ham hocks, and dry-cured prosciutto.


Organic Food Products

You can find organic products throughout the Wright-Patterson Commissary.  They are easily identified on store shelves by the small green signs displaying the organic seal of the United States Department of Agriculture.  Find a wide variety of organic items ranging from organic milk, eggs, soups, yogurts, frozen veggies, cereals, frozen pizzas, enchiladas, shampoos, conditioners, and body lotions throughout the store.

Sidewalk Sales

Spring Sidewalk Sale

* Thursday, 01 May through Saturday, 03 May from 0900 - 1800 each day. 

Department Telephone Numbers

***Call 937-257-2060 x-2999 to reach the Manager-on-Duty any time of the day***

Press 0 for Secretary/Supply Tech

Press 1 for Store Hours

Press 3 for Customer Service

Press 4 for Deli/Bakery

Press 5 for Meat

Press 6 for Produce

Press 7 for Grocery 

Press 8 and then the following number for further Options:

Press 1 for Receiving

Press 3 for Commissary Support Clerk

Press 4 for Manager on Duty

Press 5 for Store Manager

Press 6 for Assistant Commissary Officer

Press 7 for Commissary Officer

You can also dial the store number (937) 257-2060 + the extension for department or person needed:

  • Commissary Officer ext. 3001
  • Assistant Commissary Officer ext. 3002
  • Store Manager ext. 3003 
  • Secretary / Supply Tech ext. 3004 
  • Meat Manager ext. 3007
  • Produce Manager ext. 3008
  • Grocery Department Manager ext. 3009
  • Assistant Grocery Manager ext. 3209
  • Customer Service Manager ext. 3012
  • Assistant Customer Service Manager ext. 3212
  • Customer Service Window / Refunds ext. 3025
  • Commissary Support Clerk ext. 3017 / 3019
  • Computer Assisted Ordering Technician ext. 3014 / 3016 / 3018 
  • Deli/Bakery Manager ext. 3027

Special Information

DOD invests extra funding to help reduce prices and strengthen the economic security of military families.



@YourCommissary is a home away from home when military families need them most.  We are here to save you money on items you use the most like: bread, eggs, milk and more: 

https://corp.commissaries.com/our-agency/newsroom/news-releases/even-more-savings -your-commissaries-dod-invests-extra-funding?fbclid=IwAR1nUDWp6xviJQtuQ7A_DT c5hA0T2r7-A2c9xEkVRAtGWYwTuSdFlkOUmkw


Defense Commissary Agency on Twitter: "Commissaries are a home away from home when military families need them most. We are here to save you money on items you use the most like: bread, eggs, milk and more: https://t.co/eBjGgaCR2g #NationalMilkDay #commissarysavings #milfam #milso https://t.co/Xmadppc2Uf" / Twitter

Your Commissary on Instagram: “Commissaries are a home away from home when military families need them most. We are here to save you money on items you use the most like:…”


Learn how commissaries promote food security by providing quality products at low prices and tips on nutrition.

The Commissary Benefit helps promote food security for patrons by delivering savings on healthy and fresh food around the globe!  Our selection of products and services stand ready to provide nutrition at great savings along the path to mission readiness.  Programs such as Women, Infants, and Children and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program help supplement the food budget so families can purchase healthy food.



Food Safety Recalls

Commissaries.com provides the latest on product alerts.  Click Stay Informed for alerts on products sold in commissaries or on All Recalls from the FDA.


Join our noble cause to serve the most deserving.

We are Hiring – Learn More!


Or, directly from our page on:






Download Now:

Mobile app offers easy access to CLICK2GO, sales flyers, recipes and more

Customers can now download a mobile app to access the Defense Commissary Agency’s (DeCA) website programs such as Commissary CLICK2GO online payment and curbside pickup, digital coupons, the sales flyer, dietitian-approved recipes and much more.

Available free for download via the Google Play and Apple app stores for Android and Apple devices respectively, the mobile app gives commissary shoppers access to a variety of DeCA’s online functions on their smart phones and tablets.

“We’ve tested our mobile app for several months and received good reviews on its ability to connect users with many of the agency’s popular website programs,” said Willie Watkins, the DeCA’s director of eCommerce.  To read more, click HERE.

Patrons using Commissary CLICK2GO, the Defense Commissary Agency’s online shopping and curbside pickup service, can now use the MILITARY STAR card to purchase their groceries through the website.

The new online payment option became effective in November for commissary shoppers worldwide, and there’s also an added bonus:  Customers will receive sales promotions specific to the card. To learn more, click HERE.

Start shopping today by downloading the app from:

App Store:  https://apps.apple.com/us/app/commissary-click2go/id1605807066

Google Play:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.commissaryclick2go.commiss aryclick2go.googleplay&hl=en_US&gl=US

For additional information:

Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=503865488441484&set=a.22184854664318

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CkqRb5MsN8V/

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/YourCommissary/status/1589604103428112386/photo/1


Service approved animals in the Commissary

Disabled patrons who rely on service animals trained to assist them will be permitted to bring their service animals into the commissary while shopping.  Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities.  Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties.  Service animals are working animals, not pets.

Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 28 C.F.R., Part 36, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities, (Reference (bb)).


Disabled Veterans

Non-retiree military veterans that have at least a 0% service-connected disability rating are authorized to shop at the Wright-Patterson Commissary.  Your Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC) must have VA Healthcare Enrollee and Service Connected on the front.  For access to WPAFB, you will need to visit the Pass and Registration office first.  They are located just outside the perimeter fence line, near Air Force Materiel Command, at 4185 Logistics Avenue, WPAFB, OH 45433.  Pass and Registration personnel will then add your VHIC to their system for base access. 

Caregivers can also accompany the veteran as long as they have a Primary Family Caregiver Letter.  Caregivers eligible under this act will receive a letter from the VA that indicates they are the primary family caregiver for a veteran enrolled in the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers.  This must be presented at Pass and Registration along with an authorized government-issued ID.  For additional information, please call the VA Caregiver Support Line at 855-260-3274 or go to their webpage at: 

Program of General Caregiver Support Services (PGCSS) - VA Caregiver Support Program


Express Line Weekly Newsletter

If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter the "Express Line" via email please contact the store at wrightpatterson.commissary@deca.mil to be added to the email list.  The Express Line will keep you up to date with current happenings at your local Wright-Patterson AFB Commissary and in DeCA.


Military Star Card

The Wright-Patterson Commissary now accepts the Military Star Card at Registers and Self check Outs.


Self-Service Bagging

Patrons may self-bag their own groceries at any register.  Simply notify the cashier at the start of your order.


Available for patrons to use or purchase

Register your Commissary Rewards Card to open the door to thousands of digital coupons redeemable at any commissary.  Mobile applications for both Apple and Android platforms allow customers access to their account, review and select coupons and find store information such as hours of operation and phone numbers.

Find coupons and coupon links for hundreds of products.

Commissary gift cards are a great way to provide the gift of groceries to your military family and friends conveniently and quickly.  Order them online in $25 and $50 denominations.  


Special equipment for patrons to use

The commissary now has a special needs Caroline's Cart available for use.  We also have Universal baby car seat docking stations.  These baskets are located in the entry vestibule for your convenience.  We offer electric carts for those who need them. 


Have the hours at the Commissary changed?

Normal operating hours are 0800-1930 (Monday - Friday), 0900-1930 (Saturdays) and 0900-1700 (Sundays).  All federal holidays are 0900-1700, with the exception of Thanksgiving Day (CLOSED), Christmas Eve (0800-1600), Christmas Day (CLOSED), New Year's Eve (0800-1730) and New Year's Day (CLOSED).  If the federal holiday falls on the weekend, we will have our holiday hours on the actual day of the holiday, not on the federal holiday observed date. 


Are there plans to close the Commissary?

The commissary will remain open to support the Wright-Patterson military community.  The resupply lines are severely stressed with deliveries arriving on a daily basis.  However, with enhanced patron shopping the merchandise is purchased as soon as it comes available.  Therefore, we placed limits on certain items in an attempt to support as many patrons as possible.


How is the Commissary addressing replenishing stock?

The commissary management assures patrons shelves will continue to be stocked and product availability will be maintained and secured.  Deliveries have been increased to the store to ensure product availability, particularly on items that are in high demand such as disinfectant wipes and toilet paper.  From a product availability standpoint, the commissary is continually working with industry suppliers and installation senior leadership to support the needs of the Wright-Patterson community.


Is the Commissary limiting the number of people allowed in?

Not at this time.


How are we protecting Commissary employees?

The Defense Commissary Agency adheres to established cleaning and sanitation protocols.  Masks are also available to any employee upon request.


How are we protecting Commissary customers and employees?

In addition to offering face coverings for employees and customers, commissaries have implemented the following operational policies to help make stores safer during this pandemic:

  • We installed clear, acrylic sneeze shields in all regular checkout lanes, SCO attendants stations and ID checking desk to add extra protection for customers and employees.
  • Commissary personnel are using sanitizing solution at checkout stand areas, product display glass cases and handles and shopping carts.
  • Employees are practicing routine hand washing and other basic sanitation measures to reduce transmission risk.
  • Hand sanitizer is provided at each cash register and staff are encouraged to use it at the end of each patron transaction.
  • DeCA encourages its employees to closely monitor their health, and asks them to stay home if they, or someone in their household, are sick.
  • We have implemented, in union with the installation, procedures regarding social distancing.
  • We encourage the use of credit or debit transactions to limit the use of cash and coins.
  • We work closely with local the public health assets on the installation to monitor transmission risk related to staff and patrons.
  • Commissaries have temporarily suspended the requirement to sign credit card receipts to prevent multi patron handling of the credit card reader pen.

Guest Rules


As of 06 Oct 22, the CDC assesses the local COVID-19 Community Level for both Greene & Montgomery County as LOW.  IAW OSD guidance, the Installation's Community Level is also assessed as LOW.  WPAFB moved to HPCON Alpha as directed by the 88 ABW/CC on 11 Oct 22.  Personnel may choose to mask at any time.  Individuals with symptoms, a positive test, or exposure to someone with COVID-19 should wear a mask.  Public Health & medical providers continue to recommend mask wear for high-risk individuals & in settings where physical distancing cannot be maintained.

The following applies due to the current status of Health Protection Condition Alpha:

  • Command Mandate - Personnel & visitors are not required to wear a mask in the commissary, but are encouraged to if they have recently been exposed to COVID-19
  • Command Mandate - Visitors are permitted in the commissary
  • Product limitations will be enforced when required
  • Signature capture for CC transaction under $50 not required
  • Volunteer shoppers for quarantined authorized patrons

**The use of Reusable Grocery Bags are authorized**


Special Order Information

Customers can call in or place an order at store for special request orders by the cases or units.  Please provide the Universal Product Code (UPC) of the product to insure with the correct item is ordered.

Please provide 24 hours advance notice for the following special orders:

For the Deli, call 937-257-2060 ext. 3027 to special order meat and sandwich trays for a party or gathering.

For the Bakery, call 937-2060 ext. 3027 or 3227, to order a cake or dessert for special occasions.

For the Meat Department, call ext. 3007 to speak to someone in the meat department and/or to place your order.  There are no orders too small or too large.  We will gladly assist you with all your requests.

For Produce, use ext. 3008 to order a fruit or veggie tray.  We kindly request 24-hours to prepare your order.

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