The Defense Commissary Agency's Sustainability Goals
DeCA is committed to being a leader in environmental management in the retail food industry and the Armed Forces community.
DeCA's Director's Policy 500-11 lays the groundwork for how we will achieve this goal.
"a. DeCA's environmental mission is to protect the environment where we work and live. We demonstrate this commitment through compliance with EOs, Federal and State legislation, and Department of Defense policies relative to energy and the environment.
b. DeCA is committed to the prevention of pollution through source reduction, material reuse and conservation. By integrating sound environmental practices in all aspects of our business, we can better serve our military community as well as conserve and enhance the natural environment for future generations.
c. DeCA will continuously improve upon our processes and services to protect and enhance our environment in accordance with (IAW) EO 13834 or whenever the process and/or service has been determined to de beneficial and economically expedient.
d. DeCA understands that by protecting the environment we protect each military family, employee, community, and our limited natural resources. To this end, we commit that:
(1) Environmental protection is a responsibility of every DeCA employee and will be a constant consideration in our service delivery systems.
(2) We will identify, support, and promote sound business practices that enhance environmental quality.
(3) This DP will be implemented, maintained, and communicated to all employees and business partners." (Director's Policy 500-11 Environmental Policy)
Defense Commissary Agency's Achievements
During FY 2023 approximately 100 million pounds of material were diverted from landfills and through store execution, achieving a 53.9% diversion rate exceeding DoD goal of 50%. The commodities include: cardboard, plastic, office paper, organic compost, meat scraps, kitchen grease, metal, toner cartridges, wood and grocery pallets.
In support of DeCA food donation program, DeCA’s FY 2023 food donations generated approximately 4.1 million pounds of donated food. DeCA’s Feds Feed Families. USDA calendar year 2023 donations included 7.5 million pounds of donated food. Donated food helps feed the hungry and diverts food from the landfill.
In addition, there were 93,563 lbs. of used equipment sold through Liquidity Services vs going to the landfill, generating $88,478 in surcharge revenue.