Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor
4725 Bougainville Dr. Bldg 617
Pearl Harbor, HI 96860-6000
United States
Get in Touch
Store Hours
Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer

Aaron Kent
Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Aaron Kent
Store Director
Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
Store Information & Holiday Hours
Special Hours
Effective April 30, 2024, we’re eliminating single-use bags. Customers will need to bring their own bags. Reusable bags will be available in store for a small fee. See your store associate for more information
Pearl Harbor Commissary will be open from 1000-1800 on the following Holidays:
* May 26, 2025- Memorial Day
* June 19, 2025- Juneteenth
* July 04, 2025- Independence Day
Pearl Harbor Commissary will be closed on the following Holidays:
? Thanksgiving Day - November 27, 2025
? Christmas Day - December 25, 2025
? New Years Day - January 01, 2026
* To support agency sustainability efforts and plans to meet state/federal laws, effective April 30, 2024 all Hawaii commissaries will no longer offer plastic/paper bags to commissary patrons.
* Coming soon, customers using bags will need to bring their own or purchase reusable ones for a small fee.
Looking for part time employment? Need some extra cash? Look no further than your Pearl Harbor Commissary. Apply online at USAJobs Pearl Harbor Hawaii , key word “DeCA”, location “Hawaii”. You will find several opportunities to join our team.
Learn More! to the URL box to link the webpage.
We are proud to offer our Customers CLICK2GO online ordering service. We have added more pickup times, now a total of 20 time slots. Log in and give us a try.
Items on Sale
We have a new look. A full store reset was conducted February 2024. Many items have moved to a new location. If you need assistance locating a particular item, please ask any of our associates, they would be happy to assist.
Aisle 1A is now "Club" like items. Buy in bulk to get extra savings.
1B is where you can find a majority of our Hawaiian local. Our local items are all available at really great prices, best on the island.
Look for our Meat Manager's savings and Produce Hot Buys.
Take home some Star Fisheries Seafood items tonight. Great for Grilling!!! Located at the end of Aisle 16/17, or grab some fresh Poke from our Seafood Department for a refreshing last minute lunch option.
Check out our Savvy Shopper Super Saver scan code flyer posted throughout the Commissary, scan the QR code to see this week's specials.
Sidewalk Sales
We are happy to announce that we are having our Sidewalk Sale starting August 30 through September 02, 2024.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, our Sidewalk Sale hours will be 0800-1800 and Monday will be 1000-1600.
Our Seafood Department is also having a Seafood Roadshow going on August 31 and September 01 from 0800 to 1500 hours.
Department Telephone Numbers
Store Number: (808) 458-7460 x 3112 & 3012
Commissary Officer: Aaron Kent x 3001
Assistant Commissary Officer: Angela Harmon x 3002
Secretary: Nevelyn Harris x 3004
Store Manager: Patrick Yee Hoy x 3003
Store Manager: Jungmin Cox x 3203
Customer Service: x 3112 / x 3012 / x 3025
Supervisory Store Associate: Kathleen Vallejo
Assistant Supervisory Store Associate: Reggie Lathan
Assistant Supervisory Store Associate: Liezel Pajares
Grocery Department:
Grocery Manager: Curtis Painter x 3009
Asst. Grocery Manager: Rolan Santos x 3009
Asst. Grocery Manager: Vacant x 3209
Meat: Manager: Conrad Machado x 3007
Produce Manager: Helen Parubrub x 3008
Ordering Supervisor: Vincent Harrington x 3206
Deli / Bakery: Kawohi Cobb-Adams x 3327
Seafood: Eldon Nakama/Louie Lalatag x 3028
Medical Food Inspector: x 3062
Click-To-Go: 804-895-0308
Special Information
We have many local items to choose from located throughout the commissary, to include cookies, candies, and Hawaii grown produce!
Want that special fruit basket or fruit arrangement, inquire with our Produce Manager, Helen about the many items we can create for your special someone at our great everyday low prices. We also offer fresh fruit cups daily.
Want to bring something different to your next get together? From California rolls to customized trays, the Sushi Bar is where it’s at. Stop by and talk with one of the sushi specialists to see what they can create for you.
100% authorized ID is required upon check-out.
ADA service animals are welcome.
Need assistance shopping, please get with our Customer Service Department and they will assist.
Items Moved to a New Location
- Plants and flowers are now located in your Produce Department.
Guest Rules
Sponsors are responsible for the actions and behaviors of any escorted guest while visiting.
Sponsors will not leave escorted guests unattended; guests must stay with authorized patron.
Guests are not allowed to make purchases. Only Authorized ID Card Holders may process payment.
Sponsors and Guests will not make monetary exchanges while at the register.
Installation access cardholders do not have shopping privileges unless they have an authorized letter from installation
Special Order Information
Want to place a special order or item request. Please get with our Customer Service Department for assistance. All of our Departments accept special orders. Just inquire about delivery and preparation time when ordering.