Malmstrom AFB
Malmstrom AFB
7228 Fourth Avenue North
Malmstrom, MT 59402-7510
United States
Get in Touch
Store Hours
Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Loriann McDonald
Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Loriann McDonald
Store Director
Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
Store Information & Holiday Hours
Special Hours
Now Open 7 Days a Week!
Monday opening:
- Self-checkout registers only
- Debit/credit card & cash payments
- Fresh meat will be available, but no meat cutters will be onsite for special orders
- MONDAY HOURS ARE 1100-1730
Join our noble cause to serve the most deserving. We are hiring- Learn more.
Check back soon!
ONLINE ORDERING WITH CURBSIDE PICK UP IS NOW 7 DAYS A WEEK WITH MORE PICKUP TIMES TO CHOOSE FROM! For more information visit Please call 804-481-3780 when you arrive
“Give the Gift of Commissary Groceries.” Commissary Gift Cards can be purchased online and inside the commissary at any of our registers. Anyone can purchase these gift cards, but the recipients must be an authorized patron. Gift cards range from $5 - $300 per card.
Your Malmstrom Commissary would like to thank you for shopping with us and would like to know how your shopping experience was. Please visit to take a brief survey. We strive to make your experience with us an enjoyable one and would appreciate your feedback.
Items on Sale
Cut Flower Bouquets
We now carry cut flowers for all your needs!
Current Promotions
Check out our current promotions! We also encourage you to check displays at the ends of the aisles, which showcase products with extra-low prices.
Sidewalk Sales
No sidewalk sales at this time.
Department Telephone Numbers
Store Director, Lori McDonald: x 3001
Asst. Commissary Officer, Belinda Aguiar: x 3002
Store Secretary, Robbi Shirley: x 3004
Front End Supervisor, Vacant: x 3012
Grocery Manager, Mike Clemens: x 3009
Meat Dept. Manager, Brian Burke: x 3007
Produce Dept. Manager, Dawn Culp: x 3008
Special Information
If you wish to be added to our monthly Express Line to stay up to date the Commissary happenings please email and put "Express Line" in the subject line.
Guest Rules
Guests are welcome with authorized patrons.
Special Order Information
Special orders and trays may be ordered from each department with at least 24 hours notice.
In a hurry? You can pre-order your sandwich so that it is ready when you arrive.