Kirtland AFB
Kirtland AFB
7801 Gibson Blvd S.E. - Bldg. 20180
Albuquerque, NM 87117
United States
Get in Touch
Store Hours
Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer

Lisa M. Weekley
Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Lisa M. Weekley
Store Director
Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
Store Information & Holiday Hours
Special Hours
Commissary Click2Go hours for pick up are Sunday through Saturday from 0800 to 1800 and. Effective 18 January 2024.
Please call (505) 578-6035 ext. 3425 or direct line (505) 578-6041 to let us know you are here to pick up your order.
Items on Sale
Orange Your Everyday Savings (YES!) tags help easily identify items that will help you save even more! Find deals on everything from frozen vegetables to cereals and cleaning supplies. More information on YES! can be found here.
Check out the sales flyer and our savings center.
Thousands of digital coupons redeemable at any Commissary can be found here.
Sidewalk Sales
There are no Sidewalk sales at this time.
Department Telephone Numbers
Main Phone Number: 505-578-6035
Deli/Bakery: ext. 3027 or
Direct Line 505-578-6040
CLICK2GO: ext. 3425 or
Direct Line 505-578-6041
Customer Service Manager: Kimberly Acevedo ext. 3012 or
Direct Line 505-578-6046
Grocery Department Manager: Charles Whitehead ext. 3009 or
Direct Line 505-578-6045
Assistant Grocery Department Manager: Nicholas Wilson ext. 3209
Produce Department Manager: Brittne Greenwood ext. 3008 or
Direct Line 505-578-6044
Meat Department Manager: Cassandra Fletcher ext. 3007 or
Direct Line 505-578-6043
Store Manager: ext. 3003 or
Direct Line 505-578-6039
Assistant Commissary Officer: Jamal Alston ext. 3002 or
Direct Line 505-578-6037
Commissary Officer: Lisa Weekley ext. 3001 or
Direct Line 505-578-6036
Secretary: Steven Eckardt ext. 3004 or
Direct Line 505-578-6038
Special Information
Red Shirt Day (Every Friday to Salute our Military)
Join our noble cause to serve the most deserving.
We are Hiring – Learn More!
As always, thank you for your service!
Guest Rules
To protect the Commissary benefit, I.D. cards will be verified upon checkout.
For lunch time only: Military personnel in uniform have priority in line from 1100 to 1300.
As of 6 March 2023, Kirtland AFB is at HPCON Alpha.
Patrons are not required to wear masks at this time.
If further guidance is published regarding mask wearing, proper signage will be posted and listed here.
Special Order Information
Need a particular item for your special event? Your commissary is the place; we accept special orders in all departments!
Please make your request no later than 24 hours in advance of when you'd like to pick up your special order.
If you would like to be added to our monthly Express Line newsletter to stay up to date on your Commissary's happenings, please email and add "ExpressLine" in the subject line.