El Centro NAF

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Bldg 210 2nd ST Naval Air Facility
GPS users: 2024 Bennet Rd
El Centro, CA 92243
United States

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Store Hours

New Hours of Operations
0930 - 1800
0830 - 1830
0830 - 1830
0830 - 1830
0830 - 1830
0830 - 1830
Click2Go (CC2G) - Pick up hours
1030 -1700
0930 - 1800
0930 - 1800
0930 - 1800
0930 -1730
0930 -1800

Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Jeremy J. Najar

Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director

John E. Hall

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Jeremy J. Najar

Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director

Store Information & Holiday Hours

Special Hours




Check Out Our GRAB n' Go

Don't miss our GRAB n' Go cooler in front of the store.  You will find a quick fix healthy snack or lunch. 

Items on Sale


Don't forget to stop by our Meat Section.  Our fresh meat is delivered every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday and arrives between 0930-1000

Save on Choice, Select Varieties of Beef and Pork Items - Take advantage of 33% extra saving.  For special request or order, our friendly store personnel are more than willing to help.  Please feel free to ask. 


Check out our Produce Weekly Special for extra savings!


Sidewalk Sales

 Other savings opportunities include the following promotions:

  • “Back to School/Box Tops for Education.” General Mills is offering customers an opportunity to save money while supporting their local schools through the “Box Tops for Education” promotion. See store displays and high-value coupons for participating General Mills brands. This campaign is ongoing throughout the year.
  • Reward Card - Your Pathway to Savings

    No Rewards Card? No problem!!  We have Instant Commissary Reward Card Savings for EVERYONE...Start saving now, go online and register your new Rewards Card at www.commissaries.com

    Continue your journey to savings with the Pathway to Savings – “Instant Savings and Buy One, Get One (BOGO) Free” deals and Commissary Rewards Card digital coupons. Customers can save over $45 through these deals. Many more digital coupons are available at https://shop.commissaries.com/digital-coupons

  • Don't forget to ask your friendly cashier for a complimentary Rewards Card to continue your journey for more savings.
  • Your Commissary continues to innovate - we have 100 popular items that's been reduced to provide an Every Day Saving to our valued customer.  Please look for an orange YES (Every Day Saving) sign on the sales floor.  YES! Program offers extra savings and value on the products customers buy the most.

    Last but not least:  Commissary Store Brand are the same or better quality compared to national brand, and most likely is the most reasonable price.  Look for items like Freedom Choice, Home Base, and Top Care.

    Shop at your Commissary "It's Worth A Trip"


Department Telephone Numbers

Store Director - Jeremy J. Najar - 619-321-6342 x3001

Store Manager - Patrick D. Ross, Jr.  - 619-321-6342 x3003

Grocery Department Manager - John Urrutia, Jr.  - 619-321-6342 x3009

Secretary - Benedict M. Liceralde -619-321-6342 x3004

Support Clerk - Abel Gerardo (Acting) - 619-321-6342 x3017

CAO Technician - Leslie Hill - 619-321-6342 x3016

Night Ringer - 619-321-6342 x2999

Special Information

Military Star Card now accepted for online payment for CLICK2GO purchases.

In-Store Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi is now available for patron use at the commissary.

Military Star Card

We are now accepting Military Star Card.  Take advantage of earning reward points every time you use your military star card. 

Navy Exchange Gift Cards

We also sell Navy Exchange Gift cards.  Now available for purchase in denominations of $25 - $50.

Commissary Gift Cards

Commissary Gift Cards is available of your commissary in $5.00 - $300.00 denomination.  Commissary gift cards are ideal gifts for your family and friends.

Commissary CLICK2GO (CC2G) now Live! 

Commissary online ordering and curbside pick up is now available for our valued customers.  Convenient for customers with busy schedules.  You may order anywhere using computer or your cell phone with internet connection.  Order is available 24/7 or minimum of three hours in advance for pick up.  Service fee waived.

Customers can now download a mobile app to access the Defense Commissary Agency’s website programs such as Commissary CLICK2GO online payment and curbside pickup, digital coupons, the sales flyer, dietitian-approved recipes and much more. The mobile app is free for download through the Google Play and iOS app stores.

Save time and money

Commissary CLICK2GO now accepts EBT/SNAP payments online and in the app. 

Commissary CLICK2GO, the Defense Commissary Agency’s (DeCA) online shopping and curbside pickup service, now accepts Electronic Benefits Transfer/Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (EBT/SNAP) payments online and in the app.

“We’re proud to now offer EBT/SNAP customers the ability to use their entitlement for online payment,” said DeCA Director and CEO John Hall.”

Commissary CLICK2GO (CC2G) extended its services to commissary customers who participate in EBT/SNAP in all 50 states in October 2021. However, customers had to go inside the store to use their EBT/SNAP benefit to pay for their purchases. DeCA worked with the departments of Agriculture and Treasury to add the capability, and now customers can use their EBT/SNAP card when checking out via their shop.commissaries account or the mobile app.

The Commissary CLICK2GO payment processor currently accepts American Express, Discover, EBT/SNAP, Mastercard, Military Star and VISA for online and curbside payments.

EBT/SNAP is only available in the U.S., not at overseas locations. Customers use a card that’s similar to a credit or debit card to access their benefits. 

With the CC2G mobile app, commissary customers can access the online payment/curbside pickup service, digital coupons, the sales flyer, dietitian-approved recipes and more. The app is free for download through the Google Play and iOS app stores. All 235 commissaries around the world offer CC2G curbside pickup.   

DeCA participates in efforts to reduce waste in California

Commissaries in California will no longer issue single-use shopping bags starting in June as the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) follows local laws to reduce waste and protect the environment, the agency announced.

   In accordance with California Senate bill SB-270 signed in 2016, disposable carryout bags will no longer be available at any of the 24 California commissaries effective June 30, 2024.

   “DeCA is committed to complying with applicable local, territorial and state laws restricting the use of plastic and paper single-use bags,” said John Hall, DeCA Director and CEO. “We plan to implement a phased approach to eliminate single-use bags that considers our patrons’ needs and logistical limitations.” Over the years, DeCA has been a leader in energy, water and solid waste reduction, as well as implementing a robust recycling program to help protect the environment.”

   Commissary customers are encouraged to bring their own reusable bags from home or purchase reusable or hot/cold bags from the selection available at each store. Commissaries will post signs with more details to keep patrons informed.

   DeCA remains dedicated to environmental stewardship, reducing its ecological footprint, and complying with applicable environmental laws and regulations. DeCA’s approach to eliminating non-reusable bags in all 24 California commissaries takes into account its patrons’ needs, as well as various contractual, fiscal, statutory, and operational requirements.

   Eliminating single-use bags will be a major shift in commissary patron shopping habits, and DeCA will address potential concerns during the transition process. DeCA will also provide additional resources for education and awareness to ease the transition.

   For more information on DeCA’s environmental programs, visit corp.commissaries.com for the latest updates.


Guest Rules

Service Dogs are Welcome at your commissary.

Re-Usable Grocery Bags brought from home are welcome!

Special Order Information

Fruit and Vegetable Platters are available upon request and require 48-hours advance notice. Patron Special Order Forms are available online, at Register #1, and in the admin office.

Special Orders may also be used to request cuts of meats and grocery items not usually carried by the store, please allow time for confirmation of availability of requested items.

Please submit request on items that the Commissary does not carry.  Your Commissary Store Director and friendly staff are here to assist.

Your Commissary is HIRING!

Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) is always hiring to join our team.  To apply and search for prepared location, please go to USAJOBS-SEARCH, input "COMMISSARY" into the key board box and enter prepared location.  For all military spouse inquiries, send directly to Militaryspouse.employment@deca.mil.

Stay Connected to Your Commissary Benefit

COMMISSARIES.COM: Visit https://corp.commissaries.com/ to learn more about the Defense Commissary Agency: check out the latest news, find a store near you, see what's on sale, create a shopping list, learn of food and product recalls, scan employment opportunities, read frequently asked questions, submit a customer comment form online through DeCA's Your Action Line and more.

FACEBOOK: Visit www.facebook.com/YourCommissary, DeCA’s Facebook page, where you can post comments and share news, photos and videos.

YOUTUBE: To see DeCA’s latest videos, visit www.youtube.com/DefenseCommissary/

FLICKR: To see DeCA’s latest photographs, visit http://www.flickr.com/photos/commissary/

INSTAGRAM: To see DeCA’s latest photographs, visit https://www.instagram.com/yourcommissary/

TWITTER: To see DeCA’s latest “tweets,” Profile / Twitter


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