Bridgeport MCMWTC
Bridgeport MCMWTC
1003 Champagne Ave
Coleville, CA 96107
United States
Get in Touch
Store Hours
Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer

Jason Lindsey
Store Manager

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Jason Lindsey
Store Manager
Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
Store Information & Holiday Hours
Special Hours
Effective June 30th, we’re eliminating single-use bags. Customers will need to bring their own bags. Reusable bags will be available in store for a small fee. See your store associate for more information.
Disabled Patrons may enter 30 minutes prior to opening.
Items on Sale
If you don't see what you need, please let us know so we can do a special order.
Check out the sales flyers! Exclusive savings available for Thanksgiving in your Commissary Sales Flyer:
Shop year-round low prices with YES! Save on nearly 300 popular items at your local commissary: Members of the military community looking for ways to stretch their grocery dollars can take advantage of the Your Everyday Savings (YES!) deals at their local commissary. YES! offers extra savings and value on the products customers buy most. Just look for the orange YES! label on store shelves. . Read more at: Shop year-round low prices with YES! Save on nearly 300 popular items at your local commissary | Commissaries
Sidewalk Sales
Sidewalk Sale
Department Telephone Numbers
Jason Lindsey - Store Manager, 530-539-9233 ext. 3003
LeeAnne Harper - Supervisory Store Associate, 530-539-9233 ext. 3014
Special Information
We are Hiring – Learn More! to the URL box to link the webpage
Commissary CLICK2GO
Bridgeport Commissary CLICK2GO is now right at your fingertips with their new MOBILE APP!
App Store:
Commissary CLICK2GO, the Defense Commissary Agency’s new online ordering/curbside delivery service, is coming to the Bridgeport Commissary on September 20, 2021. Information on how the service works is found on with dedicated sections such as “How CLICK2GO Works
Making the benefit more convenient for you! Let your commissary team do your shopping for you! It is as easy as order online -- choose your time -- pick up curbside! Fast and easy!
For more information please visit:
Commissary CLICK2GO number: (530) 495-1275.
Department of Defense Expanding Access to Military Commissaries, Exchanges and Recreation Facilities. Please visit for more information.
Commissary Reward Card
Make sure you sign up and receive extra savings with your Reward Card, you can upload the app to your smartphone.
Commissary Gift Cards
At your Bridgeport Commissary you can purchase Gift Cards in increments $5- $300.
Commissary Store Brands
Three store brands are now available in the commissary. The three brands are Freedom's Choice for food products, Home Base for nonfood items, and Top Care for first aid supplies, vitamins, over the counter medications, and beauty care. Store brands are a high-quality, low-cost alternative to national brands.
Organic Food Products
You can find organic products throughout the Bridgeport Commissary. They are easily identified on store shelves by the small green signs displaying the organic seal of the United States Department of Agriculture. Find a wide variety of organic items ranging from organic milk, eggs, soups, yogurts, frozen veggies, cereals, frozen pizzas, enchiladas, shampoos, conditioners, and body lotions throughout the store.
Guest Rules
Disabled Patrons may enter 30 minutes prior to opening.
Special Order Information
Meat Department
Call the Fallon Meat Dept. for all of your special order needs at 775-294-0190
The meat department also offers full Cry-O-Vac Primals at cost. We will cut and wrap them to your exact specifications. Meat comes from Fallon two days a week, and in most cases we can have your special order to you the very next day.