Lackland JBSA
Lackland JBSA
2250 Foulois Street
Bldg. 8400
JBSA Lackland, TX 78236-1039
United States
Get in Touch
Store Hours
Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
Store Information & Holiday Hours
Special Hours
Early Self Checkout shopping begins at 0630 daily
Disabled patrons are welcome to come shop 30 minutes prior to actual opening hours.
Until further notice, the Lackland Commissary Pharmacy is closed
Items on Sale
Your Everyday Savings (YES!)
Say YES! to the orange value tags located throughout the store! Learn how the YES! Program provides savings on items you buy most frequently.
Commissary Rewards
No more cutting out paper coupons. Save time and money with the Commissary Rewards Card! Simply pick up your Rewards Card at any location worldwide, or Click Here to register, and you’re ready to start saving. We’ve specially selected coupons for our customers to help you make the most of your benefit!
Save Money with Commissary Brands
Our Brands include an assortment of items spanning the entire store to include Freedom’s Choice food, HomeBase non-food, TopCare health & beauty, Full Circle Market natural and organic food, Wide Awake ready-to-drink coffee products, Tippy Toes baby products, Flock’s Finest wild bird food, and Pure Harmony pet food. We’re proud to serve you our Commissary Store Brands with the quality and savings you deserve.
Featured Items and Sales Flyer
See what's on sale before you shop.
Privilege confirmation required to see sale prices.
Sidewalk Sales
Department Telephone Numbers
Commissary Officer -
Asst. Commissary Officer - Charles Mosier - ext. 3002
Store Manager- Whitney Pennington - ext. 3003
Store Secretary - Kyle Cadena - ext. 3004
Grocery Manager - Timothy Black - ext. 3009
Asst. Grocery Manager - Vickie Tart ext: 3009
Meat Manager - Francisco Rosario - ext. 3007
Produce Manager - James West - ext. 3008
Customer Service Manager - Helene Wong - ext. 3012
Asst. Customer Service Manager - Rita Florez - ext. 3012
Click2GO Number- (210)-276-2119
Special Information
*** As of April 1, 2022 base commander policy is as followed: Lackland JBSA is at HPCON ALPHA level (mask are not required) ***
CLICK2GO. As EASY as 1-2-3. Order Online 24/7 up to 6 days ahead. No minimum order required. (Parking moved to the front of the store)
1. Place your order on our website.
2. We'll select and bag your groceries.
3. Drive to the store and pick it up.
Patrons using Commissary CLICK2GO, the Defense Commissary Agency’s online shopping and curbside pickup service, can now use the MILITARY STAR card to purchase their groceries through the website.
WIC Women, Infants, Children Program
Effective immediately, WIC (Women, Infants, Children) Program is now being accepted.
Veteran Shopping
On January 1, 2020 all eligible service-connected disabled veterans, Purple Heart recipients, former prisoners of war, and primary veteran caregivers will be eligible to shop at the commissary. Learn more about this new program, or to determine eligibility, visit your local VA medical facility; call 1-877-222-VETS (8387), Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. Eastern time or apply online at
We're hiring! Join our noble cause to serve the most deserving. Click here to view and apply for our most recent job vacancies.
“Even more savings at your commissaries!”
Guest Rules
Guests may enter the commissary only when accompanied by an authorized patron. I.D. cards will be verified upon checkout.
Special Order Information
Fruit and vegetable trays are available on request.
Meat special requests and power box are always available.
Special occasion cakes are available as well as meat or sandwich trays. More advance notice may be required for large orders around the holidays.