Naples NSA
Naples NSA
US Navy S. Site, Localita' Boscariello, BLDG 2091/A
81030 Gricignano di Aversa (CE) CE
Get in Touch
Store Hours
Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer

Dennis Holm
Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
John E. Hall
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Dennis Holm
Store Director
Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director
Store Information & Holiday Hours
Special Hours
U.S. Holiday : January - February
Hours of Operations:
February 17th (Washington Birthday) 0900 hrs. - 1900 hrs.
Italian Holiday hours: Follow the same as the U.S. for January and February.
Hours of Operations:
Items on Sale
Look for special signage located throughout the store showing savings on various items.
Sidewalk Sales
Department Telephone Numbers
Admin Office open Monday thru Friday from 07:30-16:30
Civ. 081-811-4871/79
DSN: 629-4871/79
Customer Service open Monday thru Sunday from 08:30 thru 19:00
Civ. 081-811-4882
DSN 629-4882
Deli/Bakery Monday thru Sunday from 0800-19:00
Civ. 081-811-4878
DSN 629-4878
Produce Dept. Monday thru Sunday from 08:00-19:00
Civ 081-811-4872
DSN 629-4872
Grocery Dept. Monday thru Sunday 08:00-17:00
Civ. 081-811-4883
DSN 629-4883
Special Information
Express Line Newsletter
Subscribe to our monthly Express Line newsletter, filled with news and upcoming events. Send an email to
Store Brands
Commissaries are introducing commissary store brands to offer our patrons additional quality products at lower prices. Our brands names are Freedom's Choice, HomeBase, TopCare Tippytoe, Full Circle Market, Flock Finest, and Pure Harmony.
Join our noble cause to serve the most deserving.
We are Hiring – Learn More! .
Commissary CLICK2GO is now right at your fingertips with their new MOBILE APP!
Start shopping now by downloading the app from:
App Store:
Google Play:…
Guest Rules
NSA Naples Commissary follows base command policy for guests. Guests will be signs on by there sponsor and escorted everywhere they go while on base to include NSA Naples Commissary.
100% Military ID check is in effect at registers -
Special Order Information
Gift baskets and fruit and vegetable trays available for your next occasion. A 48-hour notice is greatly appreciated when placing your order for veggie trays or gift baskets.
Meat and/or cheese trays for your special event. A 72-hour notice is greatly appreciated when placing your Deli, Meat Tray order.
Birthdays, holiday, graduations, or unit functions; the Naples Bakery can meet all of your cake decorating needs. Please call 081-811-4882 Customer Service and ask for the Deli/Bakery dept to place an order today!
AAFES cakes specialities from Germany requires a 14 days ordering window.
Pizza hours of operations starting September 1st.
Monday to Saturday 1000 hrs. to 1830 hrs.
Sunday 1000 hrs. to 1730 hrs.
10-day notice requested for orders of specialty cut of fresh USDA Choice beef or pork, please.