Fort Worth NAS

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1765 Military Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76127
United States

Get in Touch

Store Phone:
Get Directions

Store Hours

Normal Hours
1000 - 1800
1000 - 1800
0800 - 1800
0900 - 1800
0900 - 1800
0800 - 1800
0900 - 1800
Commissary CLICK2GO
Deli/Bakery Hours
1000 - 1700
0900 - 1700
0900 - 1700
0900 - 1700
0900 - 1700
0900 - 1700

Commissary Leadership

John E. Hall

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Lorenzo Cherry

Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director

John E. Hall

Director and Chief Executive Officer

Lorenzo Cherry

Store Director

Command Master Chief Mario S. Rivers

Senior Enlisted Advisor to the DeCA Director

Store Information & Holiday Hours

Special Hours

Now Open 7 Days a Week!

Fort Worth Naval Air Station Commissary has been selected to participate in a 7–Day–A–Week Test Program. We will be open on Mondays from 1000hrs to 1500hrs with limited operations. Self-Check Out registers will be the Commissaries primary register to check out our patrons and deli/bakery/custom meat orders will be very limited.

  Starting July 29th Deli/Bakery will be open from 1000-1400 so come and join us for a sandwich.      



Holiday Hours


Monday November 25th


Full Service


Thanksgiving Day

Thursday November 28th



Christmas Eve

Tuesday Dec 24th



Christmas Day

Wednesday Dec 25th



New Year’s Eve

Tuesday December31st



New Year’s Day

Wednesday Jan 1st



Thank you for your service.




Items on Sale

It’s been quite a year. As we return to a new normal, your commissary has a renewed commitment to provide you value, convenience, quality products, a clean and safe store and premier customer service.

We call it “Come Home to Savings,” and we are offering bigger deals than ever before. Scan the aisles for in-store coupons, commissary store brands, the “Your Everyday Savings” items, Dietitian approved Thumb items, and the Deal of the Week. Make sure to load your Commissary Rewards Card with digital coupons that will save you even more at the register. Come Home to Savings – Shop your commissary! We’re here to help you save! Welcome Home.

Register your Commissary Rewards Card to open the door to thousands of digital coupons redeemable at any Commissary. Mobile applications for both Apple and Android platforms allow customers access to their account, review and select coupons and find store information such as hours of operation and phone numbers.

Find coupons and coupon links for hundreds of products.

Look at the biweekly featured items and sales flyer. Authorized shoppers can login to see the biweekly featured items and sales flyer with discounted products; every two weeks it reflects products as they go on sale.

More and more Commissary store brands are hitting the shelves offering patrons much more value for their dollar. Currently over 400 products are on store shelves offering patrons the same quality for a lower cost.

Commissary gift cards are a great way to provide the gift of groceries to your military family and friends conveniently and quickly. Order them online in $25 and $50 denominations.  


How is the Commissary addressing replenishing stock?

The Commissary management assures patrons shelves will continue to be stocked and product availability will be maintained and secured. From a product availability standpoint, the Commissary is continually working with industry suppliers and installation senior leadership to support the needs of the Fort Worth community.

Is the Commissary limiting the number of people allowed in?


How are we protecting Commissary employees?

The Commissary agency has purchased and distributed high-quality surgical-type masks and gloves to all employees.

Are face coverings required to be worn at the Commissary?

Fully vaccinated personnel are not required to wear a mask. The mask mandate remains in effect for all non-vaccinated personnel. 

Will the Commissary be providing face coverings for customers?

Facemasks will not be distributed at the Commissary.

How are we protecting Commissary customers and employees?

  • We installed clear, acrylic sneeze shields in all regular checkout lanes and SCO attendant’s station to add extra protection for customers and employees.
  • Commissary personnel are wiping down with sanitizing solution checkout stand areas, product display glass cases and handles and shopping carts.  Employees are practicing routine hand washing and other basic sanitation measures to reduce transmission risk.
  • Hand sanitizer is provided at each register and staff are encouraged to use it at the end of each patron transaction.
  • DeCA encourages its employees to closely monitor their health, and asks them to stay home if they, or someone in their household, are sick.
  • We have implemented, in unison with the installation, procedures regarding social distancing.
  • Cashiers no longer handle patron ID cards. Instead, customers will be asked to scan their own ID or cashiers can use the handheld scanner if available to scan bar code on IDs.
  • We encourage the use of credit or debit transactions to limit the use of cash and coins.
  • We work closely with the local public health assets on the installation to monitor transmission risk related to staff and patrons.

Sidewalk Sales

We want to thank you for your Service to our Country!

We are very proud to honor our Service Members and their families with these Savings.


Department Telephone Numbers

Commissary Officer:  Lorenzo Cherry 817.782.3681

Assistant Commissary Officer: Ronald Agcaoili 817.782.3662

Grocery Manager:  LaTangela Matthews-Brown 817.782.3663

Supervisory Store Associate Front End:  Veronica Price 817.782.3659

Produce Manager:  Deborah Horton 817.782.3668

Meat Supervisor:  Christopher Cantrell 817.782.3667

Bakery/Deli Manager:  817.782.3685

Receiving: 817.782.3669

Admin/Secretary: 817.782.3681

Customer Service: 817.782.3664 or x 7404

NEW: Click 2 Go 804.481.3758

Special Information

Subscribe to Express Line If you would like to subscribe to Express Line, send an email to:

Include "Subscribe me to Express Line" in the subject line.

We are piloting an extra day of shopping to see if this helps improve the shopping experience for the Fort Worth Naval Air Station community. The Commissary benefit is a significant boost to military quality of life, and we are exploring various ways like seven-day shopping to help our customers maximize it.

Commissary CLICK2GO, the Defense Commissary Agency’s new online ordering/curbside delivery service is at the Fort Worth Commissary!

Here’s a brief rundown of Commissary CLICK2GO’s features:

  • Easy-to-use navigation and search functions to help customers plan healthy meals and take care of their family’s needs
  • Enhanced product information
  • Robust recipe features
  • Featured sales and promotions
  • Upgraded mobile-friendly experience
  • No service fee (it was waived on all orders for a limited time starting June 28)

Information on how the service works is found on with dedicated sections such as “How CLICK2GO Works.” First-time customers will need to create an account.

Customers use a computer or mobile device to make their orders online where they select from commissary products offered based on the store’s stock assortment. After products are selected, the shopper selects a pickup time and pays for their order. At their appointed time they park in designated parking spaces where commissary workers bring their groceries.


Animals in the Commissary

Disabled patrons who rely on service animals trained to assist them will be permitted to bring their service animals into the Commissary while shopping. Service animals are defined as dogs that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. Examples of such work or tasks include guiding people who are blind, alerting people who are deaf, pulling a wheelchair, alerting and protecting a person who is having a seizure, reminding a person with mental illness to take prescribed medications, calming a person with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) during an anxiety attack, or performing other duties. Service animals are working animals, not pets.

Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 28 C.F.R., Part 36, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability by Public Accommodations and in Commercial Facilities, (Reference (bb)).

Military Star Card

The Fort Worth Commissary now accepts the Military Star Card at Registers and Self check Outs.

Your Everyday Savings (YES!)

We are lowering prices on many of our most frequently purchased items. Our goal is to improve everyday savings and value on the products most important to you, our patrons. YES! Items can be identified by a YES! Label beneath the price for that item. Learn more about the YES! Program.

Self-Service Bagging

A Self-Service Bagging Lane is now available at check stand # 1 for customers who prefer to bag their own groceries.

Organic Food Products

You can find organic products throughout the Fort Worth Commissary. They are easily identified on store shelves by the small green signs displaying the organic seal of the United States Department of Agriculture. Find a wide variety of organic items ranging from organic milk, eggs, soups, yogurts, frozen veggies, cereals, frozen pizzas, enchiladas, shampoos, conditioners, and body lotions throughout the store.

The Commissary now has a special needs Caroline's Cart available for use. We also have Universal baby car seat docking stations. These baskets are located in the entry vestibule for your convenience.







Guest Rules


Visitors may accompany eligible shoppers at the Commissary.


Special Order Information

To place a special order for the Grocery Dept. please stop by the Customer Service Dept. and fill out the special order form.

To place a special order with the Meat, Produce, or Bakery/Deli Depts. Please see any employee in the desired department.

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