
Zucchini Boats

Macros / Serving Size

Protein 26 g | Fat 13 g | Carbs 16 g

% Calories of Macros / Serving Size

Calories 277 | Protein 37 % | Fat 41 % | Carbs 22 %

Nutrients / Serving Size

Fiber 4 g | Sodium 227 mg | Sat. Fat 4 g

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 4 medium-sized zucchinis, about 7-9 inches long
  • 1 lb. ground turkey or chicken
  • ½ cup finely chopped fresh mushroom
  • 1 ½ cup meatless spaghetti sauce  (low sodium)
  • ¼ cup Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tbsp. of fresh basil, thinly sliced (optional)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Trim the ends of each zucchini and discard. Cut each zucchini in half lengthwise. Scoop out the pulp in the middle but be sure to leave about 1/3 inch in the shell. Place the pulp on a plate lined with paper towels.
  3. In a medium-sized skillet, begin browning the ground meat over medium-high heat.  
  4. Turn down the heat and add the mushrooms and cook for about 2 minutes. Add the sauce.   
  5. Using another paper towel, gently press down on the zucchini pulp to remove most of the excess water add the pulp to the ground meat mixture.
  6. Let the mixture cook for an additional 1-2 minutes, uncovered over medium heat. Stir often.
  7. Place the zucchini halves on a baking sheet that has been lightly coated with nonstick cooking spray.
  8. Scoop the meat mixture into each boat.
  9. Bake uncovered for about 25 minutes. Evenly distribute the parmesan cheese over the boats and cook for an addition 3-5 minutes.
  10. Remove from the oven and let sit for 5 minutes before serving. Sprinkle with freshly chopped basil, if desired.
  11. Serve two halves per plate and consider serving alongside a piece of garlic bread.


  • Nutrition analysis is based on the use of low-sodium, meatless prepared spaghetti sauce,  ground chicken, and excludes the optional ingredient.

Thinking Outside the Box

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