
Robert's Go-To Stir-Fry

Macros / Serving Size

Protein 38 g | Fat 29 g | Carbs 30 g

% Calories of Macros / Serving Size

Calories 527 | Protein 28 % | Fat 49 % | Carbs 23 %

Nutrients / Serving Size

Fiber 5 g | Sodium 760 mg | Sat. Fat 3 g

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 package of instant brown rice
  • 1 lb. raw, boneless, skinless chicken
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • Bok choy (desired)
  • 12-16 oz. frozen vegetables
  • 2-3 tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce
  • 2-3 tbsp. teriyaki sauce/marinade
  • 1 cup of almonds


  1. Begin cooking instant brown rice according to package directions for 4 servings.
  2. While the rice is cooking, cut the chicken into ½-inch strips and begin cooking in a heated skillet with olive oil over medium-high heat.
  3. While the chicken is cooking, wash and then cut the bok choy into big chunks (discard the stem).
  4. While still in their bag, microwave the frozen vegetables for 2 minutes. Use your favorite kind of vegetable, like broccoli, or try a stir-fry blend.
  5. Add the soy sauce or teriyaki sauce/marinade and almonds to the chicken; add bok choy.
  6. When the bok choy begins to wilt, add the microwaved vegetables; stir, cover and let cook until desired level of tenderness for vegetables. Cooking for 1-2 additional minutes will be just enough to have the same “crunch” as Chinese take-out vegetables.
  7. Serve each plate with ¼ of the rice, topped with ¼ of the chicken/vegetable stir-fry.


  • Vary the flavor the next time by using different proteins like lean beef or pork.
  • Add some drained, canned water chestnuts and/or bamboo shoots.
  • Use whole wheat pasta instead of rice.
  • Use up leftover cooked meats and make this meal really quickly. Just skip step 2 and add cooked meat in step 5.
  • Try it with rotisserie chicken.
  • Turn things up a notch with some spice heat by using just a tad of Sriracha sauce.
  • Nutrition analysis is based on the use of the lower suggested amount of sauces and ½ a head of Chinese cabbage.  The large majority of fat comes from the healthy fat found in the almonds.  To decrease the fat and calories, cut half the amount of almonds.
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