
Canned Chicken Salad Sandwich - Yes Way!

Macros / Serving Size

Protein 26 g | Fat 13 g | Carbs 32 g

% Calories of Macros / Serving Size

Calories 355 | Protein 30 % | Fat 34 % | Carbs 36 %

Nutrients / Serving Size

Fiber 6 g | Sodium 756 mg | Sat. Fat 3 g

Ingredients (Serves 4)

  • 10 oz. canned chicken, drained
  • 1 medium celery stalk, thinly sliced
  • 1 small dill pickle, chopped
  • 3 tbsp. nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
  • ½ small avocado, mashed
  • 2 tbsp. sliced almonds
  • 1 tbsp. golden raisins (optional)
  • 1 tbsp. red onion thinly sliced
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 8 slices whole wheat bread
  • Lettuce and tomato to top (optional)


(No Cooking, 10 - minute prep)

  1. Using the mixing bowl, add all the ingredients, less the sliced bread. Gently toss until well blended. If the salad is a bit too thick, add a little more Greek yogurt.
  2. Serve immediately by placing ¼th of the mixture on one slice of bread, top with desired vegetable toppings such as lettuce, tomato, or sprouts. Top with another slice of bread.
  3. To complete the meal, serve the sandwich alongside a piece of fresh fruit or a tossed leafy green salad.


  • Toasting the bread before assembling adds another texture to this meal that can make it even more enjoyable.
  • Make this in advance and let it set in the fridge for a few hours for the flavors to blend.
  • Consider using the salad to top a bed of leafy greens drizzled with Italian dressing.
  • Rather than use bread, consider serving this in a pita and adding cucumber.
  • Once made, keep the salad in the fridge for a quick after school snack, served alongside a few whole wheat/grain crackers and provolone cheese. The chicken salad will keep 2-3 days if covered and stored in the fridge.
  • Nutrition analysis excluded the optional items and is based on the yield of meat when chicken is drained.  Table salt "to taste" was included in the analysis at an amount of two dashes.  The sodium content of this recipe can be decreased by excluding the salt but will increase if more than 2 dashes are used.
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