ProCamps season begins: Military commissaries, exchanges and Procter & Gamble partner for youth football events

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FORT GREGG-ADAMS, Va. – Hundreds of military children will soon get the opportunity to learn more about football in free camps run by actual professional players thanks to a partnership between the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA), Procter & Gamble (P&G), NFL ProCamps and the military.
With the start of the 12th season of the NFL ProCamps, military installations will compete for a chance to win a sports camp for the children in their community.
From March 11 to April 7, participating commissaries worldwide will offer their customers an opportunity to help win an NFL ProCamps event for their installation by purchasing select P&G products. The instructional camps are led by NFL players for children, grades 1-8, of active duty, reserve, retired and Department of Defense civilians. The winning installations are announced in late spring.
P&G is joining DeCA, the Army and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), the Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM), the Marine Corps Exchange and the Coast Guard Exchange to offer these ProCamps events.
“I’m a huge football fan, and it’s such a boost for our military community to participate in camps led by NFL players,” said Navy Command Master Chief Mario Rivers, senior enlisted advisor to the DeCA director and CEO. “Perhaps an even bigger benefit is that the children will have fun learning about physical fitness and have an opportunity, in some cases, to help deal with the challenges of parents deploying and constantly moving from place to place.”
During the March 11 to April 7 promotional period, commissary customers will see additional savings on their favorite P&G brands, said Dena Hawkins, sales director, P&G Military Team (DeCA Pillar Leader). Customer purchases of designated P&G products at their local commissaries and exchanges during the contest period will determine which installations win a ProCamps event for up to 150 children.
“The Camp also provides a great opportunity for the military community to come together, and for the children to get to know each other,” Hawkins said. “Additionally, if a winning military community does not have enough children, they will still be considered and could win a seven-on-seven flag football camp for the military community.”
Campers will experience various stations to learn football fundamentals, participate in games and competitions, receive coaching from an NFL player on the fundamentals of football, and compete for a chance to win signed merchandise and more P&G product samples through “Camper of the Day” awards.
“The commissary and exchange provide great value on essentials military families trust,” said Molly Fanning, executive vice president of Partnership Marketing. “Without their commitment, events like the football ProCamps would not be possible. We are so lucky to be able to continue to partner together to support and empower military families.”
There are already ProCamps events scheduled in Vogelweh, Germany, March 23-24 with Matthew Judon from the New England Patriots (the site of the camp is at the Kaiserslautern High School), and autograph signings at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center and Ramstein Air Base Commissary. Another overseas camp is scheduled for Camp Humphreys, South Korea, April 13-14 with Kyle Hamilton from the Baltimore Ravens.
“This event allows military kids the opportunity to learn a little football and meet an NFL star in a fun and safe environment,” Fanning said. “In addition to football skills, kids will learn the importance of hard work and teamwork on and off the field.”
About DeCA: The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. Commissaries provide a military benefit, saving authorized patrons thousands of dollars annually on their purchases compared to similar products at commercial retailers. The discounted prices include a 5-percent surcharge, which covers the costs of building new commissaries and modernizing existing ones. A core military family support element, and a valued part of military pay and benefits, commissaries contribute to family readiness, enhance the quality of life for America’s military and their families, and help recruit and retain the best and brightest men and women to serve their country.