Imported fish product recalled due to ineligible exporter
C&T Produce Wholesale Inc., doing business as L&V Food Supply, the importer of record, is recalling approximately 1,152 pounds of ineligible peppered frozen, dried Siluriformes, or catfish products, that were produced by an establishment in Vietnam that is not eligible to export catfish to the United States, according to a Department of Defense All Food and Drug Activity message sent Feb. 25. The problem was discovered during routine FSIS surveillance activities of imported products at a retail store in California.
The product does not bear an establishment number nor a USDA mark of inspection. These items were shipped to retail locations in California, Florida, Illinois, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.
The Defense Commissary Agency has publicized this recall to all its stores, said Richard Stith, Chief, Public Health Division, DeCA headquarters at Fort Gregg-Adams, Virginia. Whenever a commissary has recalled or withdrawn products in its inventory, they are immediately removed from store shelves.
The following product is affected by this recall:
- 2 pound cardboard boxes containing “Peppered Dried CATFISH”
There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions due to consumption of these products. Anyone concerned about a reaction should contact a healthcare provider.
Customers should return this product to the commissary of purchase for a full refund.
Consumers with questions about the recall can contact Chinh Nguyen, Director, L&V Food Supply at 832-381-0293 or Consumers with food safety questions can call the toll-free USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline at 888-MPHotline (888-674-6854) or send a question via email to For consumers that need to report a problem with a meat, poultry, or egg product, the online Electronic Consumer Complaint Monitoring System can be accessed 24 hours a day at