Contact Us

Customer Comment Form 

Patrons who have not had success resolving concerns at the local level or who have other non-local concerns may elevate their comments to DeCA headquarters by completing the Customer Comment Form. This includes comments about your shopping experience, compliments and content suggestions for our website.

Do You Have a Question?

We have compiled the most frequently asked questions from our customers and listed them according to the topics in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section. We encourage you to check this page first to see if we've already answered your question there. If you still have questions, comments, or concerns after reading our FAQs, please see below to find out how you can contact DeCA.

Store Locations & Phone Numbers

Find your commissary through the locations page to see the contact information, operating hours and latest news for your store.

Business Inquiries

If you desire to sell grocery or other products to DeCA please visit our business section where you'll find much information, including the appropriate business email addresses and phone numbers.

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