Non-brand name resale items are items that have no demonstrated or anticipated customer preference for specific brands. Rather, the customer preference is defined by a commercial product description, for items such as meat, eggs, dairy, seafood, and in-store operations like deli and/or bakery services.
Our buying process for these commodities is through a fully competitive formal solicitation with award based normally on a best value evaluation that considers such things as past performance, price, technical capabilities, patron savings, etc.
General Information
Non-brand name resale products are typically procured through competitive best value procedures. Products include items such as beef, pork, dairy and eggs.
The Business Guide gives basic information about DeCA and the non-brand name resale products we buy.
Prior contract prices (price history) may be found below by clicking on Price History & Recently Awarded Contracts.
To search FedBizOpps click on Business Opportunities below, which includes synopses of upcoming solicitations, solicitations/amendments and award notices.