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FDS/DOORS Order List for Commissaries/CDC's
Please select a Commissary or CDC. Order Date and Delivery Date are optional.
AAFES Distributors (Central Region) (HQCDAC/DIST)
AAFES Distributors (Midwest Region) (HQCDAM/DIST)
AAFES Distributors (Northeast Region) (HQCDAE/DIST)
AAFES Distributors (Northwest Region) (HQCDAN/DIST)
AAFES Distributors (Southern Region) (HQCDAS/DIST)
AAFES Distributors (Southwest Region) (HQCDAW/DIST)
Aberdeen PG (HQCNEJ/2501)
Air Force Academy (HQCMCF/0932)
Albany MCLB (HQCSJU/0501)
Altus AFB (HQCMCP/0701)
Anchorage Area (HQCWGD/1119)
Andersen AFB (HQCWHY/3301)
Andrews AFB (HQCNEK/2402)
Annapolis NSA (HQCNEL/2403)
Arnold AFB (HQCSK6/0202)
Atsugi NAF (HQCWHD/3502)
Bangor ANGB (HQCNEQ/2005)
Bangor NBK (HQCWGM/1203)
Barksdale AFB (HQCSKA/0104)
Barstow MCLB (HQCKLL/1801)
Beale AFB (HQCKLK/1402)
BlueTriton (Nestle) Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDBP/DIST)
Bolling AFB (HQCNEB/2506)
Bremerton NBK (HQCWGN/1205)
Bridgeport MCMWTC (HQCKMU/1418)
Buckley SFB (HQCMCB/0908)
C&S Distributors Brattleboro DC (HQCDNB/DIST)
C&S Distributors Kapolei DC (Hawaii) (HQCDNK/DIST)
Cairo (HQCE5B/3714)
Camp Humphreys (HQCWG4/3611)
Camp Humphreys CDC (HQCWJT/9998)
Camp Lejeune MCB (HQCCA1/2902)
Camp Merrill (HQCSJ6/0205)
Camp Pendleton MCB (HQCKLM/1603)
Cannon AFB (HQCMDH/0803)
Cape Cod (HQCNCD/9703)
Cape May (HQCNFW/9731)
Carlisle Barracks (HQCNE9/2308)
Charleston AFB (HQCSK5/0308)
Charleston Embassy (HQCSMG/9641)
Charleston NWS (HQCSKK/0307)
Cherry Point MCAS (HQCCAZ/2903)
China Lake NAWS (HQCKM6/1804)
Coastal Pacific FIFE DC (Alaska) (HQCDCA/DIST)
Coastal Pacific Ontario DC (HQCDCO/DIST)
Coastal Pacific Stockton DC (CONUS) (HQCDCS/DIST)
Coastal Pacific Stockton DC (Hawaii) (HQCDCH/DIST)
Coastal Pacific Stockton DC (Pacific) (HQCDCP/DIST)
Coca-Cola Export Distributors (Europe) (HQCDOE/DIST)
Coca-Cola Export Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDOP/DIST)
Columbus AFB (HQCSKE/0109)
Corpus Christi NAS (HQCMCY/0604)
Crane NSA (HQCCAK/2704)
Daegu (HQCWHB/3647)
Dahlgren NSF (HQCNFK/2411)
Davis-Monthan AFB (HQCKLB/1905)
Dover AFB (HQCNEG/2412)
Dugway PG (HQCKMH/1406)
Dyess AFB (HQCMCZ/0805)
EURPAC Distributors (Caribbean) (HQCDVC/DIST)
EURPAC Distributors (Europe) (HQCDVE/DIST)
Edwards AFB (HQCKLP/1807)
Eglin AFB (HQCSK3/0511)
Eielson AFB (HQCWGC/1118)
Eight Point Distributors (Hawaii) (HQCDEH/DIST)
El Centro NAF (HQCKMP/1908)
Ellsworth AFB (HQCMDB/1006)
F.E. Warren AFB (HQCMDE/0907)
Fairchild AFB (HQCWGP/1220)
Fallon NAS (HQCKMF/1409)
First Wave Sales Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDWP/DIST)
Forest Glen (Walter Reed) (HQCNEF/2532)
Fort Belvoir (HQCNFF/2413)
Fort Bliss (HQCMCW/0809)
Fort Buchanan (HQCSKU/0413)
Fort Campbell (HQCCAM/2707)
Fort Carson (HQCMCA/0910)
Fort Cavazos - Clear Creek (Fort Hood I) (HQCMC2/0711)
Fort Cavazos - Warrior Way (Fort Hood II) (HQCMC3/0712)
Fort Detrick (HQCNFN/2514)
Fort Drum (HQCNEY/2115)
Fort Eisenhower (Fort Gordon) (HQCSJZ/0315)
Fort Eustis (HQCCBB/2808)
Fort Greely (HQCWGE/1121)
Fort Gregg-Adams (Fort Lee) (HQCCBC/2811)
Fort Hamilton (HQCNE2/2216)
Fort Huachuca (HQCKLC/1910)
Fort Hunter Liggett (HQCKMJ/1511)
Fort Irwin (HQCKLQ/1812)
Fort Jackson (HQCSKM/0316)
Fort Johnson (Fort Polk) (HQCSKB/0119)
Fort Knox (HQCCAN/2709)
Fort Leavenworth (HQCMDR/2610)
Fort Leonard Wood (HQCCAW/2612)
Fort Lewis (HQCWGQ/1222)
Fort Liberty - North (Fort Bragg North) (HQCCAY/2906)
Fort Liberty - South (Fort Bragg South) (HQCCBT/2929)
Fort McCoy (HQCCAQ/2713)
Fort Meade (HQCNEN/2517)
Fort Moore (Fort Benning) (HQCSJW/0212)
Fort Myer (HQCNFH/2518)
Fort Novosel (Fort Rucker) (HQCSJH/0520)
Fort Riley (HQCMCG/1013)
Fort Sam Houston (HQCMDA/0614)
Fort Sill (HQCMCQ/0715)
Fort Stewart (HQCSJ2/0321)
Fort Wainwright (HQCWGG/1125)
Fort Worth (HQCMDK/0630)
Fresh Express Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDXP/DIST)
Frito-Lay Distributors (Caribbean) (HQCDFC/DIST)
Frito-Lay Distributors (Europe) (HQCDFE/DIST)
Frito-Lay Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDFP/DIST)
GITMO Cuba (HQCSKS/9639)
Germersheim CDC (HQCE29/9810)
Goodfellow AFB (HQCMC1/0716)
Grand Forks AFB (HQCMCK/1017)
Great Lakes NS (HQCCAG/2715)
Guam CDC (HQCWH9/9913)
Gulfport NCBC (HQCSKF/0122)
Gunter AFB (HQCSJB/0223)
Hanscom AFB (HQCNAA/2020)
Hario Village (HQCWJ4/3527)
Harrison Village (HQCCAJ/2728)
Hickam AFB (HQCWHU/1328)
Hill AFB (HQCKM7/1415)
Holloman AFB (HQCMDG/0818)
Hunter AAF (HQCSJ3/0325)
Hurlburt Field (HQCSJT/0526)
Imperial Beach (HQCKLU/1616)
Iwakuni CDC (HQCWJB/9932)
Iwakuni MCAS (HQCWHJ/3529)
Jacksonville NAS (HQCSJL/0427)
Kaiserslautern CDC (HQCE7A/9838)
Kanto Plain CDC (HQCWJ2/9928)
Keesler AFB (HQCSKG/0128)
Keurig Dr Pepper Distributors (Europe) (HQCDKE/DIST)
Keurig Dr Pepper Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDKP/DIST)
Key West NAS (HQCSJM/0429)
Kings Bay NSB (HQCSJ4/0430)
Kingsville NAS (HQCMC5/0620)
Kirtland AFB (HQCMCN/0821)
Kodiak (HQCWJ1/1132)
Kwajalein (HQCWKW/9935)
Lackland AFB (HQCMC6/0622)
Lakehurst NAES (HQCNEV/2322)
Langley AFB (HQCCBF/2816)
Laughlin AFB (HQCMC7/0623)
Lemoore NAS (HQCKLV/1517)
Little Creek Navphibase (HQCCBG/2817)
Little Rock AFB (HQCCAC/2618)
Los Angeles AFB (HQCKLW/1719)
Luke AFB (HQCKLF/1920)
MCBH (Kaneohe Bay) (HQCWHV/1331)
MacDill AFB (HQCSJN/0431)
Macdonald & Porter Distributors (Hawaii) (HQCDMH/DIST)
Malmstrom AFB (HQCWGL/1234)
March ARB (HQCKLY/1834)
Maxwell AFB (HQCSJC/0232)
Mayport NS (HQCSJ5/0433)
McChord AFB (HQCWGR/1235)
McClellan (HQCKL1/1421)
McConnell AFB (HQCMCH/1024)
McGuire AFB (HQCNEW/2323)
Memphis NSA (HQCSJ9/0234)
Meridian NAS (HQCSKH/0135)
Minot AFB (HQCMCL/1025)
Miramar MCAS (HQCKMQ/1622)
Misawa AB CDC (HQCWHF/3536)
Mitchel Field (HQCNE3/2224)
Moffett Field (HQCKL2/1533)
Moody AFB (HQCSJ7/0536)
Mountain Home AFB (HQCWGH/1237)
Nellis AFB (HQCKMG/1923)
New London (Groton) (HQCNEE/2226)
New Orleans NAS JRB (HQCSJQ/0137)
New River MCAS (HQCCA3/2920)
Newport NS (HQCNFE/2227)
Norfolk NAVSTA (HQCCBH/2821)
North Island NAS (HQCKMR/1624)
Oceana NAS (HQCCBJ/2822)
Offutt AFB (HQCMCM/1026)
Okinawa CDC (HQCWH5/9912)
Ord Community (HQCKLR/1513)
Orote (HQCWHZ/3338)
Osan AB (HQCWG9/3639)
Parris Island MCRD (HQCSKP/0339)
Patrick AFB (HQCSJP/0440)
Patuxent River NAS (HQCNAB/2428)
Pearl Harbor (HQCWHW/1340)
Pensacola NAS (HQCSKC/0541)
PepsiCo Distributors (Europe) (HQCDPE/DIST)
PepsiCo Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDPP/DIST)
Peterson AFB (HQCMCE/0927)
Picatinney Arsenal (HQCNE8/2104)
Pittsburgh Area (HQCNFA/2309)
Port Hueneme (HQCKL6/1726)
Portsmouth NNSY (Scott Center Annex) (HQCCBK/2824)
Portsmouth NSY (HQCNFV/2035)
Quantico MCB (HQCNFJ/2429)
Ramstein CMPP Meat Plant (HQCE6B/9837)
Randolph AFB (HQCMC8/0628)
Redstone Arsenal (HQCSJF/0242)
Richards Gebaur (HQCCRG/2627)
Robins AFB (HQCSJ8/0343)
Rock Island Arsenal (HQCCAH/2625)
S&K Sales Distributors (Hawaii) (HQCDYH/DIST)
Sagamihara (HQCWHH/3543)
San Diego NB (HQCKL8/1627)
San Onofre (HQCKMA/1628)
Saratoga Springs (HQCNE5/2130)
Schofield Barracks (HQCWHX/1345)
Scott AFB (HQCCAV/2626)
Selfridge ANGB (HQCCAS/2727)
Seymour Johnson AFB (HQCCA6/2928)
Shaw AFB (HQCSJJ/0345)
Sheppard AFB (HQCMDC/0830)
Smokey Point (HQCWJ3/1246)
SpartanNash/MDV Bloomington DC (HQCDSB/DIST)
SpartanNash/MDV Norfolk DC (CONUS) (HQCDSN/DIST)
SpartanNash/MDV Norfolk DC (Europe) (HQCDSE/DIST)
SpartanNash/MDV Oklahoma City DC (HQCDSO/DIST)
SpartanNash/MDV Pensacola/Columbus DC (HQCDSP/DIST)
SpartanNash/MDV San Antonio DC (HQCDSS/DIST)
SpartanNash/MDV Severn (Landover) DC (HQCDSL/DIST)
Tinker AFB (HQCMCR/0731)
Tobyhanna (HQCNFD/2131)
Travis AFB (HQCKMC/1531)
Twentynine Palms MCAGCC (HQCKMD/1833)
Tyndall AFB (HQCSJR/0546)
Tyson Fresh Meats Distributors (Caribbean) (HQCDTC/DIST)
Tyson Fresh Meats Distributors (Europe) (HQCDTE/DIST)
Tyson Fresh Meats Distributors (Pacific) (HQCDTP/DIST)
UNFI (SuperValu) Anniston DC (HQCDUA/DIST)
UNFI (SuperValu) Billings DC (HQCDUB/DIST)
UNFI (SuperValu) Indianola DC (HQCDUI/DIST)
UNFI (SuperValu) Quincy DC (HQCDUQ/DIST)
UNFI (SuperValu) Tacoma DC (Alaska) (HQCDUT/DIST)
UNFI (SuperValu) Tacoma DC (CONUS) (HQCDUC/DIST)
V.F. Grace Distributors (Alaska) (HQCDGA/DIST)
Vance AFB (HQCMCS/0733)
Vandenberg AFB (HQCKME/1734)
Webco Hawaii Distributors (Hawaii) (HQCDHH/DIST)
West Point (HQCNE7/2133)
Whidbey Island NAS (HQCWGU/1248)
White Sands (HQCMAC/0834)
Whiteman AFB (HQCCAX/2629)
Whiting Field NAS (HQCSJS/0547)
Wright-Patterson AFB (HQCCA7/2730)
Yokosuka NFA (HQCWHK/3549)
Yokota AB (HQCWHL/3550)
Yongsan (HQCWHC/3651)
Yuma MCAS (HQCKM5/1935)
Yuma PG (HQCKLH/1936)
Order Date
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