Special Orders

Do commissaries accept special orders?

Yes. Every department or section in a commissary will accept special orders. If you need a special cut of meat, a custom-decorated cake, a party tray, or want to get a case of 24 cans of dog food instead of pulling 24 cans off the shelf, you can place a special order to get what you want.

Commissaries can fill some special orders almost instantly-other special orders require some advance notice. Thus, it's best to check a bit in advance of your need to find out how quickly a commissary can get what you want to order.

It's also often possible for a commissary to special order items-usually in case lots only--that the commissary does not carry as part of everyday stockage. Such items might be available at another commissary located close by, or generally authorized for commissary stockage and available from a commissary's commercial supplier. In overseas commissaries, special orders can come only from within the overseas stocking list. A personal, special order cannot be made from stateside (i.e. one case of something from America to a small Commissary in Europe). If you shop at a small commissary in Europe and desire a product which is carried at a larger commissary in Europe, that item may be delivered direct to your store. To find out about special order availability and procedures at your commissary, contact commissary management during a commissary visit, or by e-mail or phone.

While at commissaries.com, you can find the location of any commissary by using the Locations page, then clicking on a commissary name on a map or alphabetical list, and then clicking on "Location/Phones" on the commissary web page.

Does the commissary sell MREs (Meals, Ready to Eat)?

Commissaries can order MREs from the Defense Supply Center Philadelphia/Defense Logistics Agency. Please contact your store director to ask about placing a special order for these products.

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