Prices & Savings

Do commissaries raise prices for payday?

No. If a retail (shelf price) is changed the timing of that change is associated with the end of a promotion, a change in cost of goods or in reaction to a market change in price, which can also be the lowering of our shelf price.

Typically, price changes are processed twice a month, on the 1st and 16th of each month. If the change comes before a scheduled payday it is coincidental to our pricing process

How can I view promotional prices for my commissary?

Customers who live in the continental United States may view promotional prices for their commissaries by selecting the"Rewards & Savings" tab and select "Sales Flyer” or click on "Sales Flyer" at the top of the page. The percentage of savings for sale items may be obtained without logging in. A log in is only required to view actual prices.*

*Note-Promotional prices for commissaries outside the continental U.S., including Alaska, Hawaii, and in overseas’ locations, are not available at this time. This is a capability we hope to add in the future.

What's DeCA policy if - during checkout - I notice that an item scans at a higher price than the price for the item posted on a shelf or display?

If a customer believes there is an incorrect price when going through the checkout process, this should be reported to checkout personnel. They will assure a price adjustment is made to the order and a correction is made to the shelf price or scanning system wherever it may be deemed necessary.

Why am I required to enter the last four digits of my Social Security Number, date of birth and name to log into the Savings Aisle?

We are required by DoD Instruction 1330.17 to assure we only share our prices with authorized customers. Therefore, we must use the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System, or DEERS, database to verify your status as an authorized customer and grant you access to our promotional prices. This process requires customers to provide the last four digits of their Social Security Number, date of birth, first and last name. However, we do not store the information we collect, and we only use it to verify your privilege. When you submit your login information, it is encrypted via Secure Sockets Layer, commonly known as SSL, for security purposes. Rest assured that the Defense Commissary Agency is dedicated to protecting you and your privacy and that your communications on are secure.

Why can I find prices on items in commercial stores that are lower than the commissary price? How can this be?

While our customers can be assured that they are provided with the best overall prices in their shopping trips to our commissaries, when it comes to individual items each retailer may have a different cost from their suppliers. If we find that our cost does not allow us to be priced as competitively as we should be, or provide the savings we are committed to provide, our category teams will work diligently with our suppliers to negotiate the best cost possible. This might include running great promotions with deeply discounted prices. However, from time to time we may need to be priced slightly higher than a commercial store.

At DeCA we are committed to provide the best overall savings to our customers that we can!

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